Dang, the holidays are almost over and 2018 is right around the corner! Yep, I haven’t posted a blog since December… on purpose. I am a bit of a perfectionist and somewhat picky when it comes to blogging. I aim to blog about something meaningful most of the time, and I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t had anything meaningful to post about lately… until now.

December the 26th is almost over, which is also the first day of Kwanzaa. I’ve been wanting to celebrate Kwanzaa someway, somehow – so I looked it up (which you can click here or here if you’re interested). I’m not sure how to go about celebrating the holiday in general, but I will do my best to read each principle and give a reflection for each one daily. (If you’re willing to help me then feel free to comment some nuggets for me to keep in mind ;-))


Day One of Kwanzaa is Umoja: Unity. To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

The first question that comes to mind is, “Have I been striving for unity in my family, my community, nation, and race?” Yes, I think so, but I haven’t been consistent. I may not be verbal about how I feel about my family, community, nation, or race showing unity, but that doesn’t meant that I don’t think about it at all! What is posted on social media, what is said to someone, and your actions can demonstrate unity within your environment. Moreover, this is not a one-woman show, which means that I cannot be the only person striving for unity. It takes all of us to do it and activate our hope in this world! The first four letters in unity is unit. Just imagine what our families, our community, our nation, and race would look like if we all work together as one unit? Man… we would be a force to be reckoned with… Unstoppable!!! I don’t always see unity in my environment or this country… or on social media, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there!

What are some ways we can show unity in the United States of America? It may be impossible to so many people, but I beg to differ. It just takes time 🙂 I think this nation has a lot of healing to do. Slavery, racism, and discrimination is still an issue. All the U.S. has done is rip the bandaid of skeletons that are still in our closet. Sad right?

As for my people – black people – we can be a force to be reckoned with once we get over the issues within our own race. Black Twitter cannot be the only time we show unity *lol*  😉

What are some of your thoughts about unityI’d love to know 🙂

Thanks for reading!
~Live Laugh Love~