It’s November… NO-FREAKING-VEMBER!!! It’ll be December before you know it, and then 2018 will come!

This week’s blog is about goals… New Year’s Resolutions really…

Resolutions have been used as way to kick off the new year with a goal. People all across the globe have been making a firm decision to begin the new year with a goal or two in mind. Some people wanna get back in the gym or get into the gym for the first time (which I heard annoys the crap out of the “gym rats”). Some people may wanna quit their job(s) and start fresh with a new one. Many people make these resolutions and they’ll last for a short period of time, while others refuse to make one. It’s considered rare when a person commits to a goal or even makes one to accomplish and actually does it. My goal was to make sure there was something to look forward to the next year, and that developed into the


It all began around this time two years ago with one of my good friends during dinner. We were both turning 25 in the upcoming year of 2016 and we wanted it to be different because it’s considered a milestone birthday. I wanted to some type of challenge and she mentioned an article entitled 25 Things to do Before I Turn 25. The idea is to come up with 25 things to do – whether a simple task or risky – and you must do them before you turned 25. (Click HERE for an article about it. I can’t remember the original one we looked at.) I thought it was a good idea… however… my birthday is in February; so it wouldn’t be the best idea for me because I didn’t wanna cram 25 things to do within one month. That is equivalent to the typical New Years Resolution of going to the gym and then stop within a month! *begins to sip Oolong tea*

Nevertheless, I still wanted to do something similar because I wanted to look forward to doing something interesting the year I turn 25 – a silver year. It’s no secret to this blog that my adult birthdays don’t ever go as planned. It got to a point where I hesitate in doing anything at all and instead treat it like it’s a normal day. Maybe my standards are too high (which shouldn’t be an issue) and life and finances normally get in the way of doing what I really wanna do. When I saw my friends invite people to their birthday events, and noticed a nice amount of people that show up, I couldn’t help but feel but feel some type of way.

Yea, yea I already know what you’re thinking…
“I don’t celebrate my birthday; so I can’t relate.”
“It’s another year God has blessed you with. Be grateful!”

“It’s a day that the Lord has made!”
“Your birthday is how you make it!”
“You don’t have to do anything glorious for your birthday! Just enjoy it and be happy that you’re alive!”
or my favorite, “He [God] didn’t have to let you live to see this day! Some people didn’t survive to see their birthday!”
(Sidebar: I learned that people want you to do something for your birthday, but don’t want any parts in planning it… they’re just “suggesting.” Or you do end up doing something and invite them, but they don’t show up… *begins to sip more Oolong tea because it’s hot*)

Did I cover it all? Oh okay, cool. Anyway…

Unfortunately, a part of me still feels this way, but I’m learning not to let people, life, and finances get in the way of enjoying the day I was born. Therefore, I changed it to “25 Things to do the Year I Turn 25,” that way I have something to look forward to throughout the entire year. There was no real deadline other than December 31st; so I had the entire year of 2016 to accomplish 25 goals. I didn’t get to all of them but it was fun to do nonetheless! That year my birthday sucked (again), but I loved doing the challenge because it also allowed me do be a goal-seeker!

It motivated me to do another one this year of 2017 and it helped me get through a very rough year so far. Here are my goals for this year of “26 THINGS TO DO THE YEAR I TURN 26″…

1. Go to a concert or play
2. Teach someone how to crochet
3. Go on a vacation
4. Step out of my comfort zone and try/do something I would never consider
5. Finish my book list from 2016
6. Study the Bible daily
7. Grow in my faith with God
8. Random act of kindness
9. Spend better time studying for Sunday school and Wednesday Bible study (Because I’m a Christian Ed teacher at my church)
10. Pay off pledge for a campaign at my church (Almost there!)
11. Volunteer work

12. Do research on Genealogy/Ancestory DNA
13. Read 26 or more books
14. Practice guitar and learn 26 songs (I’m at 23 songs so far…)
15. Use credit card once a month to build credit
(It was never used on bills :-))
16. Crochet “Queen” blanket
17. Visit cousin in Las Vegas
18. Try to find an apartment
19. Learn Calligraphy
20. Complete a blog challenge
21. Go zip-lining
22. Go on a nature walk or hiking
23. Start back working out
24. Eat no meat for a whole month
25. Go on a date with my mom or dad
26. Learn Italian and its culture

The year is almost over, and I’m not done yet, but I wanted to encourage you all to do the same thing! Life and people will try and block your happiness sometimes. Between the government, natural disasters, violence, and deaths, it helps to have something to look forward to in 2018. I’m currently in the process of writing my next set of goals; so I’ll let you know what I wrote soon 😉

IF you wanna do it with me, then here’s what you have to do:
1. The age you are turning in 2018 will determine how many goals you will need to set. For example, I’ll be turning 27; so I’m writing 27 goals! IF you’re older, then you will have more goals. This leads me to my 2nd suggestion…
2. Have a balance of fun and serious goals. If you look at my list above, I had a blend of fun, semi-fun, and seriously boring. It can range from buying a house to skydiving to talking to a random stranger. My favorite goal to write is “Step out of my comfort zone and try something I would never consider.”
3. Decorate your goals on construction paper. This is optional, but treat it like it’s a vision board and make your list look like something you’d wanna look at all year. If you don’t wanna do that, then at least write/type it on fancy paper 🙂
4. Put it up on a wall or somewhere visible. That way you’re always reminded of your goals and you can check them off easily. Plus, you won’t forget if you can see them 😉
5. HAVE FUN! Some of you may be older than me, which means you’ll have a longer list. (NO SHADE intended!) Some of you might be anxious in trying to get through the entire list by December 31st. Don’t let this list pressure you!!! Remember: this is suppose to be something fun to do! Enjoy working towards your goals of being a better you while having fun simultaneously. I plan on doing that 😉

Happy November and Happy Goal-Setting! Take care 🙂

~Live Laugh Love~