ANOTHER STORY TIME! This story has a lot to do with my hair vs. a product named Bentonite Clay. It’s a bit funny so here goes.

Let’s rewind to sometime last year when I was looking at photos of women and ladies with their hairstyles and experiences with new products in this closed group I’m in on Facebook (I didn’t invite myself into this group, which has been a reoccurring theme, but I stayed because I love the people and I learn a lot). Suddenly, I stumbled across a picture of a woman with a grayish substance on her hair. Curious and intrigued, I looked at the comments of many people saying things like, “Oh, I love this stuff!” and “I can’t live life without it!” and “My hair loooves this stuff!” I didn’t know what it was; so I asked in the comment section. Eventually someone responded and told me that it was Bentonite Clay (I’ll call it BC for this story). So I looked it up to get more information. I first learned that it starts off as a powder and then turns into a clay-like consistency once you put a liquid to it. It’s made from volcanic ash, containing a lot of minerals like calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium,etc. It also has a lot of benefits like boosting probiotics. [For more information, click HERE] Then I began to do more research on it and binge-watched YouTube videos of naturalistas putting the clay into their hair. I even found out that there’s more than one clay out there (Rhassoul clay, Sea clay, Kaolin clay, etc.) I also found a video of a woman comparing different clays into her hair, which were very different results.

In order to remain consistent with my thoughts, I stuck with the BC. I was sold on trying it out with my hair. I went to in a flash to find it since I didn’t know where to look for it in my city. Once I found it and put it in my cart to purchase, I left it there. Did I buy it right away? Nope *lol* I wanted to make sure that I really wanted it. So I left it in my cart for awhile… a long while. How long you say? Let me remind you that this was all last year; so let’s fast-forward to last week when I finally bought it. Yea… I’m picky when it comes to buying anything new. When it finally arrived in two days (since I accepted the Amazon Prime that I’m going to cancel in a few weeks), I prepared myself for the experience. I told myself when I would do it (Monday, October 2nd) and where (at home). I wanted to do it in the evening, the time of day where I normally do my hair. I was so ready and a little bit excited for what would happen soon.

Monday evening finally arrives and I’m excited to try it. When I opened it, I gently tried to smell it. (Yes, I know it’s powder *lol* don’t judge me.) It didn’t have a scent but it did have a fine powdery texture. For the liquid I used Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV for short) vs. water to neutralize the pH balance. I learned that BC alkalizes and contains a high pH balance. Therefore it needs an acid to lower the balance, like vinegar. I didn’t have to put ACV into the powder, but I had to use it eventually.

When I mixed everything up I saw tiny bubbles and it sizzled a little bit. I felt like a nerd who was fascinated with all things Chemistry. (I’m not btw.) Once it stopped I stirred it up and found it to be thick and a little chunky since some naturalistas on YouTube did the same thing.

Before application, I did wet my hair with water to make the clay easier to apply. Originally my hair was dry, in dire need of a trim, no definition of my curls and coils, and tangled. I didn’t detangle my hair at all! (Big mistake.) Once it was in my hair, I began noticing the definition of my curls and coils again, and it didn’t feel weird to the touch either. I put a plastic bag on it and sealed it tight to keep my head warm (and to prevent the clay from drying). I left it on for close to 10 minutes and rinsed it out in the shower.

Now y’all… about this rinsing it out. It took soooooo loooooooong to rinse it out because it felt like the clay wanted to create a permanent residence into my scalp. I didn’t scratch, but I did rub a lot… a whole lot… not hard though. Once I got out of the shower my hair felt moisturized and soft, yet weird too. My curls and coils were showing off and they were shiny! I loved it. My hope was that I would get the same results the next day (mind you it was the evening)… it didn’t. It never does. Based on my experience, my hairstyle in the evening/night before does not equate to my similar hairstyle (suppose to be the same) in the morning. Anyway, I placed my hair into 4 rubber-band sections with a silk bonnet before I went to bed.

The next morning was… interesting. I gently took the rubber bands out and it went well, looked cute after fluffing things out, still shiny… and that’s when I noticed it. My hair was more matte than usual and I didn’t get all of the clay out of my roots. It was visible for anyone to see! I didn’t have time to hop into the shower to rinse it some more, so I went to work just like that… with clay still in my hair.

While I was at work I panicked a little bit because I didn’t know what to expect with BC still in my hair. Will my hair fall out? Will I get bald spots? I know my hair is thick and there’s a lot of it, but will I still have hair? So I started putting water into my hair when student weren’t looking at me. Oh, it didn’t look weird… at all. All morning I wanted to wash my hair, but I couldn’t because I was at work! When I got off, I went home and prepared to go workout with my mom, figured sweat would help the cleaning process. I ended up co-washing my hair afterwards. I did not leave that shower until I saw no more clay in my roots. I was probably in there for 45 minutes and I’m normally in there that long. I thought it was funny that it took me two days to wash that clay out.

I began to think about where I went wrong. Y’all, I planned for this day to happen! I wanted to try this BC and it didn’t turn out like I thought! What went wrong?! Well, I realized that the clay was took thick. Some naturalistas like their clay thick and it works for them, but definitely not for me because it’s hard to get out and my hair is low-porosity (i.e., doesn’t absorb moisture as easily. I also didn’t deep condition my hair afterwards because the clay can be a bit harsh. The biggest of all was I didn’t detangle my hair! When I was co-washing my hair on day two of washing out that clay, I finally detangled it… and I was gentle as can be… or at least I thought so… until I started to see big chunks of hair coming out! I almost panicked from seeing how much hair came out, but I didn’t worry too much because my hair is THIIIIIICK!

I went back my YouTube to one of my favorite YouTubers, Laila from FusionOfCultures, and she out rhassoul clay into her hair along with aloe vera juice, water, and oils. Hers was a runny consistency because she claimed it was harder to come out. Plus she has low-porosity hair like me.

So now I’m determined to try again. It’s in my nature to try it again until I get it right. So the game is on!!! Me vs. The Bentonite Clay. Who will win? I guess you’ll have to read next time 🙂 Plus I’m waiting a week or two until my next wash day. My bet is on me 😉