Call me crazy…

I think America is on drugs, her addiction being grief.

She has learned to love it and give it simultaneously,

but in her past life I’m sure she was never this way.

I’m sure she was happy, I’m sure she was free.

Taking her away from her residents,

People taking people from their residence,

brought them to her new masters and making them slaves,

from discrimination to segregation, 

from prejudice to resegregation, 

from white supremacy to alt groups,

from terrorism to police brutality,

from bullying to education being nonchalant,

She has endured a lot for centuries.

Yea, I think America is on drugs.

She has been for a while, shooting up every chance she gets,

with people’s differences being her heroine, cocaine, and savior.

I’m sympathetic, even heartbroken.

I noticed she has tried to lay off of the drugs,

but she started using again.

And after the turn of events I can’t help but think…

America overdosed.

She was left helpless with no one to save her.

No one really wanted to save her… until the hurricanes happened,

destroying everything within their paths.

Many would consider it a tragic event.

It is a tragic event,

but I think it’s considered a healing mechanism.

Regardless of the gender, age, religion, race, and ethnicity,

People came together to help one another,

putting aside differences to show love.

And as I look at the American flag, her cloak,

I see hope.

She will get better.

It will take her a while, but maybe America finally checked into rehab.

She may have a relapse or two, but maybe she’ll finally heal.

She endured so much, 

maybe she’ll heal.

I believe she will.

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