There are ways to win my heart! I’m not sure if guys are noticing me or find me attractive lol! But I am flattered if you do 😉

Here are five ways to win my heart:

1. Great Personality… If your life is dull, then I just don’t know what to tell you. A great personality is great to me. I look at this asset before looks… sometimes… lol jk 😀

2. In Love With God… Because I am a Christian and I am going on this journey with God, I find a saved man very attractive! There is nothing sexier than noticing a man worship God not only in church, but outside of church. MAJOR turn on! One day, when the right man finds me, I pray that we can build each other up and get more into God!

3. Know What You Are Doing With Your Life… Sorry, but I cannot date a man who is doing absolutely nothing with his life, being a couch potato! My man has to do something: go to school, have a career, have a job, have dreams and go for them. I will be one of your biggest cheerleaders! 😀

4. Good Looking… Now, I do admit, I am 10% shallow. You must be good looking to me. Have a swag on you with a classy feel! MAJOR turn on!

5. Make Me Laugh… For those who know me know (or should know) that I love to laugh! You must have a sense of humor! It’s okay to laugh! I heard that laughing is good for the soul! I agree 🙂

Please believe that this blog is not about putting myself out there. This is not an eHarmony moment, putting in my application for the next eligible bachelor. This blog is about five ways to win my heart …lol!

Key to my Heart Nails

I thought this pic of “key to your heart” nails are so cute! OBVIOUSLY, I do not own this pic at all. When I get really good at nail art, I will try this out 😉

What are your five of winning your heart??? I would love to know! Comment if you like! Thanks for reading 😉

P.S. I really wanna start blogging more!!! So, to challenge myself, I Googled a 30 day blogging challenge! This was the first day!


~Live, Laugh, Love