Despite its history of earthquakes and tsunamis and the way it has affected features of the city (such as buildings and the way people live), Concepción is a beautiful city. There beautiful landmarks such as Parque Ecuador (Ecuador Park), Mural Estación Central (a mural of Central Park), and Estación de Ferrocarriles (Railway Station).

Ecuador Park was formerly known as Alameda (tree-lined avenue). They changed the name after a devastating earthquake in 1906. The country of Ecuador helped Concepción get back on its feet; so they renamed the park in honor of Ecuador’s help. It is found within the slopes of Caracol Hill, a place where penquistas families enjoyed rest and nature, and it has an extension of approximately 0.6 feet. It contains gardens where there are sports areas, silly games, and the International Fair of the Popular Art. Complementary activities are carried out as well (theater, music, and dance).

The Mural of Central Park is considered a beautiful mural found in the central hall of Concepción’s railway station. It was created by Gregorio de la Fuente and it shows an historical series of the city from the time of the penquistas natives to the year 1940. According to a Spanish-written website, “As this is a monumental in the central axis of the regional administration, its enormous aesthetic and patrimonial value must be proud of penquistas, adding to the list of the various murals works of our region” (I translated it to understand it more).

The Railway Station was constructed by architect Luis Herrera in 1941. It is a building that portrays a period in time of white stuccos and noble proportions, distribution and Concepción city-planning. Its tower constitutes an important urban landmark located in the perspective of the street Barros Arana, main commercial axis of the city. It has an ample hall of access that lodges the prestigious mural History of Concepción.