Soooo… on Monday, my true black girl nerd colors came out. I watched the Solar Eclipse take place! I enjoyed every single moment of it, continuously going in and out of the house to watch the process. Now since I live in Ohio I didn’t get to see the eclipse in its entirety, but I got to see the process of the eclipse (i.e., the eclipse closing in on the sun at about 70%). I didn’t think that I wasn’t going to be able to watch it at first because I didn’t have the recommended glasses to see it. HOWEVER, on Sunday night I got a call from one of my great aunts telling me about some glasses she got on the internet, which happened to be the required eclipse glasses. Too excited!

Many people were watching the solar eclipse for many reasons, while others didn’t get to (or didn’t want to) see it at all. Not sure why people didn’t want to see such an amazing moment in history. You can’t be “so woke” and conscience that you refuse take a moment to enjoy a solar eclipse. Some people didn’t want to get glasses to see the eclipse, conjuring up excuses and comments like, “I don’t understand why we need to get glasses” or “I don’t understand why I need to buy special glasses to see this happen!”

Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret… ya ready?

Come close to the screen…

A liiiiittle more…

Okay good!


You mean to tell me that you tried to look at the sun with your naked eyes… assuming that an eclipse would cover it up swiftly like curtains??? Oohhh you thought sunglasses will work? And you thought that the eclipse will look like the ones on TV? Oh, you poor baby. You didn’t wanna do research? No? Okay *shrugs*

Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. Okay back to my topic of the week…

What did I get from the solar eclipse other than what you just read? Good question. Well, of course I thought about how amazing God is for allowing such a thing to happen! But I also got something else out of it…

In order for me to see the eclipse, I had to have special glasses. Others tried to see the eclipse, but missed it due to the weather or didn’t have the glasses. It had me thinking: maybe that’s how people are when it comes to choosing friends… they don’t have the correct glasses to see whether or not they’re the real deal. Many can’t see who their real friends are because they don’t have the correct glasses of discernment. I see it all the time on “reality” television shows and real life on Facebook, which is sad. Some people don’t even want friends and I can’t understand why…

I’m never one to brag or boast, so I won’t start in this post. What I will say is that I thank God daily for giving me Godly friends with no drama what-so-ever. Whenever one’s down, we try our best to encourage each other and pray for one another. (No really, we actually do it!) We are able to vent to each other without passing judgment, while also correcting each other if necessary. We can help each other in many ways (when we can), including our spiritual life. You know you got me when I can be my absolute self because I talk more than usual. I’ll put my phone away (check it sometimes), laugh all day, throw some sarcasm and corny jokes into the mix, and we’ll end up sitting at a table for hours talking about everything. (And I do mean everything.) Often times we have the same views on things and joke about them. I may not talk or see them everyday, but when I do get a chance to hang out it’s like we picked up where we never left off. Honestly they’re more than my friends; rather, they’re my sisters and I thank God often for them.

It helps to have friends in this thing we call life. Whether they’re your family, church family, or people you meet at work or school or church, it helps to have a friend. Now keep in mind that everyone will not be your friend and everyone will not last for all eternity. Nevertheless, enjoy time with your friends. Go out to eat, go dancing, watch a movie, start a book club, go on a vacay with them… whatever you choose (as long as it’s legal *gives serious side eye*)

Have a friend, Get a friend, Be a friend.

Then after that, sing to them the Golden Girls theme song… or Friends by Whodini 🙂

What do you love most about friends? I’d love to know 🙂 Leave a comment below!

~Live Laugh Love~