Okay, I have a confession: I would like to think of myself as a confusing shopper. I can be frugal, picky, sometimes impulsive. Yes, you read that correctly *lol* Don’t wory; I’ll explain in the best way I can.

I don’t always like to spend money on things I don’t need even though I love nice things. As a result I don’t shop often and I go shopping if I need to. For example, I need a formal outfit that doesn’t look like a prom dress; or the choir is wearing a certain color that I don’t have; or I need new undergarments. I can even walk around a mall once and come out with absolutely nothing… and I’m okay with it.

The product has to stick out to me in order for me to buy something, practically scream at me… okay, maybe not scream. But it does have to say very softly,

“Diondra, please buy me… You know you want to.” 

Then I do one of two things: one, I just pick it up and buy it before I change my mind (because I can be frustrating even to myself); or two, I go through the following questions…

“Do I have this in my closet?”
“How much does it cost?”

And if the answers to these questions can pass with flying colors, I then think of the last two questions…

“Do I have something like this already in my wardrobe?”
“Do I need it?”

And if my answers can pass with flying colors, I then walk around the store with the item in my arms/hand… just in case I change my mind…

At the same time, I have my spontaneous moments where I want to get up and go shopping. I can be a very impulsive shopper when it comes to nail polish, yarn, books, and (sometimes) sunglasses… but clothes, shoes, and handbags are a different story. Additionally, I am more prone to go shopping if I’m going on a nice vacation.

Yes, I can be a bit hilarious to walk around the mall with. Ask my mother 🙂

Regardless of my very interesting way of shopping, this has helped me to prioritize and/or use my money for emergencies. Additionally, this has helped me to save money for things that I may want to randomly buy one day with no regrets.

With that being said, I want… a designer handbag. Yes, I said it: a luxuriously expensive bag. No, I’m not talking about Coach or Michael Kors (I have plenty of those *lol*). My mother will probably look at this and laugh because I’m not usually the one to say such things and I’m not really into labels. I went to Vegas back in June (Check out my experience here). As I was walking down the infamous Strip, I walked into The Shops at Crystals. I walked around, never going into the stores… just walked around. I referred to them as “the bougie stores.” I mean… it’s only because I didn’t have the money to go on a shopping spree. (I wouldn’t buy much, but it would be fun!) Then I went to Chicago last month, and went shopping with my mother and her friends. Now we’re in the month of August and I want one all of a sudden!

Based on my research most luxury handbags tend to cost over $700 USD, and everything else is still a designer handbag but on medium/low side of the spectrum. As crazy as that sounds to some, I am willing to pay that cost or more because I’m never one who will fake it til I make it. (i.e., I don’t normally wear knock-offs unless someone gives it to me as a gift and I find it super cute. If you’re into luxury knock-off, then there are no judgments here! It’s just not for me.)

Here are the ones that has caught my eye and appears to be something I am willing to purchase:
The (small) Burberry Reversible Tote,
The Gucci Soho Leather Disco Bag,
and The LV Speedy 30.

The price listed doesn’t include the taxing yet, but I’m a bit obsessed with them and the color options are beautiful. Oh and judge me all you want to, but I am my mother’s child. I was taught to work for what I want and to depend on no one to get it for me. In this case I saved money for in hopes that one day I’ll find something I really want.

How do I plan to buy this item… whichever one I choose? Well that’s a great question! One thing that I’ll tell you is that it will not be an impulsive buy. Additionally, here are some things that I keep in mind when I want to buy anything I think is expensive, whether it’s a trip, a handbag, or shopping.

  1. BUDGET MY COINS– It helps to have a budget of where my money is going and how. I make sure that I write things down every time I spend something with my debit card. This way of thinking doesn’t have to go towards buying something; rather, it can apply to everyday life. As I’ve said before, I don’t shop often. I’d like to have money in the bank and save it rather than having the need to spend it all the time. If you’re interested in doing the same thing, you can begin with three categories (needs, wants, and treats) and go from there. You can also ask yourself these three questions:
    1. What are your necessities on a regular basis? For me it’s tithes & offering to God, bills, food, and hygiene products.
    2. What would be considered wants? Your wants will vary depending on the person and his/her environment. My wants could entail a Starbucks Frappucino, clothes, makeup, going out to eat, yarn, etc.
    3. What is something that you want to treat yourself to? Similar to my answer for wants, your treat can vary from a fancy spa day to a vacation. Mine would be an expensive designer handbag.
  1. SAVE MY COINS – This is an extension to the first tip. It benefits you to save for the treat you want instead of using credit cards with empty promises of paying them back. I highly recommend that you don’t sell your soul for something you can’t afford to keep up with celebrities, and don’t go tapping into your bill/loan money for your treat. However much you want to save is totally up to you. It can range any where from $1 USD to your entire paycheck. You can even try saving 5% or 10% of your paycheck/earnings. Additionally, what helps is having a separate account for you to add money in for emergencies or your treat item(s).
  2. GET A SIDE HUSTLE – Sometimes I just need a side hustle to save more money when a paycheck won’t cut it. It doesn’t matter what it is really… as long as it’s legal. *gives a serious side eye*
  3. GET PICKY & TAKE MY TIME!  I’m never in much of a hurry to buy anything at that moment, so I think it helps to do some research in the mean time. I think it’s a whole lot better to know my style (i.e., do I want a cross-body bag, shoulder bag, something big/small, something that hangs on my arm, etc.). Additionally, the material, the cost, and durability is also crucial. I even took online quizzes just for fun 😀 Here is a fun, old quiz you can take if you’re interested! (BTW, I got “A messenger bag.”)
    I binge-watch YouTube videos long before I make the decision to buy/try anything because there are people out there who has experience with designer handbags. Additionally, I was curious about the history of these designers; so I looked up information I didn’t know about them. You may get turned off about certain designers based on their personalities and the drama behind the company… you’ll never know! My fav designers so far are Burberry, Gucci, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, and Tory Burch so far. I’ll admit that curiosity has gotten the best of me.
  4. PICKING OUT MY BAG  Let’s say I already did #1, 2, 3, and 4 already. What color should I go for? What style would I want my bag? I’d say go for something that will go with the some of my wardrobe instead of only one outfit. I don’t always want to buy something that can’t go with any other pieces in my wardrobe. Picking the right color and style for me will prevent my item from collecting dust, dry rotting, and neglect. I’m buying it for a reason so I plan to wear it! Handbags in black, white (sometimes), red (sometimes), gray, brown, and neutral colors are always my options because they can go with a lot of outfits if done correctly. What I also do is look at outfit choices online for inspiration.
  5. STRUT LIKE I MEAN IT! – Wear it with confidence and no regrets of buying it. *begins to twirl*

I know this may be a lot for some people and you’re probably thinking, “Girl, it ain’t that serious!” But indeed it is *lol* I pick and choose when I want to be that spontaneously impulsive buyer and now isn’t the time to do so!

With that being said, what is treat for yourself? What are you thinking of buying or traveling to? Let me know in the comments below and take care 🙂

~Live Laugh Love~