Hello all! I hope you’re enjoying your Summer Monday 🙂 The summer is going by too quickly!

I’m sure some of you may have seen this on my old blog site “DeeRaneaC”, but I wanted to put it on here as well.

This is my 200th blog post! Yaayyy! It may not be a lot, but think I’ve came a long way.

To give you a little backstory, I have been blogging since 2010. I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t been the most consistent blogger. I blogged when I felt like it and ended up with only a few blogs out of the year. It was more of like a hobby that I didn’t take seriously due to to school and writer’s block.

In 2014 I’ve tried to blog more with one blog biweekly and I have gotten better; however my attempts have been interrupted by other poor attempt to juggle everything all at once. Nevertheless, I was a lot better than where I was in the beginning.

Yes. I have been very inconsistent… but I feel like I’m even better 🙂 Thanks to my 30-Day Blog Challenge back in June, I’ve enlisted a lot of ideas to blog about and to try.

With that being said, I’ve decided to create a website called “Diondra’s Place” to celebrate my 200th blog. Additionally, I’ve done some research and decided to start my own blog website because I wanted something to call my own. I am excited yet really nervous at the same time. I really enjoy blogging and I wanted to share it with you all 🙂

Enjoy your Sunday,

~Live Laugh Love~