Have you ever thought that Hollywood is losing it’s creativity… or the movies are beginning to look the same? If so, then you’re not alone. Unless it’s a Marvel movie or a movie based on a book, I feel like a lot of movies are beginning to look the same with the same plot (or at least similar). Even the names of these movies aren’t appealing to me, almost like they’ve settled for a title that sounds tacky. (I won’t be mentioning any movies *lol*) Therefore, they seem either boring to me or just okay based on the trailer alone. However, there are some movies trailers that I’ve seen that appears to be interesting and I wanted to share with you 🙂

Here are nine movie trailers that have caught my eye so far.

  1. Girls Trip– This movie is out right now and I haven’t seen it yet. (Don’t judge me.) I wanna see it with someone vs. watching it alone 🙂
  2. First Kill– It seems like a kidnap movie based on the trailer, which isn’t a new plot… but I thought it looked interesting. The trailer says it’s coming soon, but I believe it’s already out, not sure. Nevertheless, I want to check it out because it may be interesting. Sometimes, I like movies that isn’t popular.
  3. Flatliners– This movie trailer made the movie looked really interesting and I hope it turns out good. It’s about the curiosity of what happens after someone dies. This comes out September 29th of this year.
  4. Only the Brave– I’ll be honest; it’s a movie about people putting out a wild fire. I only want to watch this movie because it has Miles Teller in it and I’m a fan of his acting skills *shrugs* It comes out October 20th of this year.
  5. The Shape of Water– Based on the trailer, the movie seems unique, Science Fiction-ish. Plus I think it’s about love. It comes out December 8th of this year.
  6. Pitch Perfect 3– I don’t have much to say other than the fact that I haven’t seen Pitch Perfect 2 yet. (Don’t judge me.) This is on my list because I’ve seen the first one and thought it was funny. I might as well go all the way and the watch this one too. The trailer says it comes out on December 25th of this year if I watched it correctly.
  7. Proud Mary– I mean… it has Taraji P. Henson in it, so I already believe it’s going to be good. It’s action-packed with guns, violence, and fire. This comes out on January 12th of 2018
  8. Black Panther– Who isn’t looking forward to this movie?! It’s a Marvel film, duh! [FYI, I have been a Marvel movie fan growing up because of my mom, who is a fan of the Marvel comics.] This tease will have to do for now and I’m willing to wait 🙂 This comes out on February 16th of 2018.
  9. A Wrinkle in Time– I read the book and I thought it was one of the coolest one ever. Based on the trailer it seems legit 🙂 I will be in there (with my friend) on March 9th of 2018.

There are a lot more movies coming out, but these are the ones on my radar so far. What are some movies (or even one movie) you’re looking out for? I’d love to know so I can add to my list 😉

~Live Laugh Love~