I don’t know how I feel about this prompt. Do they want people to cry or something?! However, I always thought of blogging as a way to vent.

It feels… freeing. So here goes… my confession.

I resigned from my job as a math teacher. Yes, it was my first year of teaching. I loved my students regardless of their behavior sometimes, and I enjoyed working with (and interacting with) my co-workers. I enjoyed the environment and having the backing of the central office (some board members) in regards to what could work for me, and it helped. It was a rough first year, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. However, I didn’t feel like I didn’t have any support from my supervisor or administration… which meant that I would be walking on egg shells every single time I set foot into my job. Unfortunately, the board couldn’t do anything about it.

I won’t go into all of the details, but just know that it hurts still.

But I won’t let it get to me… or at least try not to. I’m in the process of trying to find another job, but it’s been hard. People assume that finding a job as a math teacher is super easy… I would like for them to define “easy”. I think it’s only easy when you have years of experience. *insert sarcasm here* It doesn’t matter if I have two degrees and a year of experience under my belt.

I think the fact that I look young for my age already puts me at a disadvantage. They already have in their minds that “this girl is young and won’t know what she’s talking about” no matter how good I am in an interview. I think that’s why I don’t hear back from employers who are hiring.

I hope you don’t take this post the wrong way and assume that I want a pity party. I don’t. I simply wanted to vent what I’ve been holding in for a while now. It gets tiring when you have to put on a mask when people ask me about work all the time. I’d tell them that it’s going okay… technically I still work for them because my contract is not up yet. 

Those who are close to me know the fully detailed truth, more than this blog post. I’m trying to stay encouraged, in hopes that I find one soon.

30-Day June Challenge

~Live Laugh Love~