I didn’t post this yesterday because I couldn’t think of one right away; so I decided to wait awhile to think of one. Before I knew it, it was the next day *shrugs* Nevertheless, I do have one… it’s short…

I love to day dream. It keeps me from facing the reality that life can be tough on me for no reason. I was in the 7th grade when I… let’s say that I may not have had my day dreaming under control. Next thing that I know there were kids looking at me, bursting into laughter because I was making faces apparently. (Weird, I know. I still don’t believe it either.) I tried to brush it off like it never happened; but when you have those same classmates the following day in another class, they want to talk about it some more.

Even now it sounds embarrassing.

Yea I got picked on a lot in school when I was a kid, verbally not physically. (Words can hurt just as bad as a physical altercation.) I was different and I was okay with that. I had a small circle of friends, and I still do. It made me to be the woman that I am today: unashamed and unphased. I don’t take bullying from anyone, nor do I allowed it.

30-Day June Challenge

~Live Laugh Love~