So I got these manicure gel nail polish today. I got them professionally done. The nail guy said it should last for a few weeks! Hmmm… we shall see πŸ˜‰

Honestly... they remind me of Christmas... but they're for New Years!
Honestly… they remind me of Christmas… but they’re for New Years!

My New Years nails!!! πŸ˜€ I really wanted something sparkly for New Years since I will be at church that night (Watch-Night service). At first I wasn’t going to get them, but I wanted to be daring! I go to the nail salon once every blue moon (because I do my own nails); so I thought I’d make the trip worthwhile! At first I was going to have every nail with a design, but I think this is a little more me and classier. Plus I LOOOOVE this red!

I also loved the fact that my nails dried INSTANTLY! I will probably get this the next time I go to the nail salon… which is the next blue moon! Hahahaha πŸ˜€

~Happy Nails! πŸ™‚