Well… my vacay is coming to an end and I head back home today! I’ve been gone for a whole week. I guess it’s time to go home now πŸ™‚

To start of my day (since it’s 8am here), I will discuss what makes me happy. Besides spending time with my loved ones, I think my overall response is simple, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. 

What makes me happy is when I don’t try to entertain the storms that come my way and make the best of it. Storms will come and go. Sometimes I will have a little rain storm or I may have a tsunami, but I try not to let it get to me and enjoy my life anyway. What helps me to be positive is to think of what could possibly go wrong (but it doesn’t come to past) and/or think about what is going right. My mind can get the best of me sometimes and I become pessimistic as a result of it. It’s not a good headspace to be in! Additionally, I stay out of drama! It doesn’t make me happy and I don’t want it to have anything to do with me!

So my message to you is don’t sweat the small stuff (or the large) stuff that comes in your life. Remain positive and either do one of the following: find a solution to the problem or move on because it’s beyond your control. I know it may be easier said than done, but practice practice practice and soon you’ll get better! 

~Live Laugh Love~