Good Morning all! 

I thought about this prompt yesterday and decided to give myself time before answering it. Lets be honest: I haven’t thought about at all yesterday. I’m still on my Las Vegas vacay and my mind is nowhere near finding a philosophical statement on education. However, I will try to answer this prompt right now.

Education is always evolving, always changing. The earth contains so many things to learn in so little time. I believe that not all students are inspired to look for solutions or knowledge outside of the classroom. Additionally, students don’t always see the connection between the classroom and the real world. Some think that they have to learn it in order to pass. (Only some, not all.)

The methods of teaching education in today’s society are different from how it was 10 years ago. I think that lecturing students don’t work effectively and must be combined with some activity that requires movement. Most students are visual learners… not just by showing them how to do it, but also using their bodies and having them figure it out on their own.

~Live Laugh Love~