Healthy habits, huh. I believe that being healthy can range from the food we eat to mental things comes into our minds in a daily basis. Based on my experience, here are 3 healthy habits that I try to induct everyday.

1. Drink water | In addition to healthy eating, water is a natural detox to your body. It’s helps to flush things out and keep you hydrated. The amount of water to drink per day use to be 8 (8-ounce) glasses of water per day, but now it has been changed. I heard that it’s based on your body weight. If you take your weight and divide it by 2, then you will have the number of ounces to drink per day. I’m not too sure if it’s the official amount to drink (if you know what I mean). As for me, I try to drink as much water as I can during the day. Since I drink more water than sugary beverages, I feel like my body cries for more water.

2. Remain optimistic | Life isn’t always a flowery bed of ease. Situations and problems will come to bite and attack you. Your response to those moments are crucial to surviving the storm! What helps me to remain positive is to think of ways that will probably make the situation worse… or I do something that will relieve the stress, such as listen to music or crochet. Moreover, I try to keep encouraging people in my corner to keep me lifted. I also pray to God for guidance and for Him to walk with me.  

3. Movement | I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t worked out in a while. There are plans of getting back into it, but walking will be my bestie for now. Walking daily can make a difference in your life. I think no movement does more harm than good. I can just sit and lay in bed all day, so I try to get up and walk around the house. Sometimes I’ll go walk around the mall or my neighborhood. As long as I’m moving, I’m good πŸ™‚
So… what are your 3 healthy habits? I’d love to know πŸ™‚

~Live Laugh Love~

3 thoughts on “3 Healthy Habits | Day 14

  1. Ever since I started drinking water , I’ve been peeing like a race horse haha keep up the good work!

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