I will try to be brief with this blog. Along side the 26 things I want to do this year, here are 5 goals that I have right now . They are a mixture of long-term and short-term goals.

  1. Get through the Resident Educator Program | Anyone who is a teacher for less than 3-4 years have to go through for the state of Ohio. I’ve been through year one and have three more years to go!
  2. Pay off my college loans | I know it’s a crazy thought based on the state of American right now, but I have a crazy hope that I will not have college loans in 20 years.
  3. Become a professor one day | This is a new goal and kind of scary… but it’s exciting! I don’t plan to teach grade school forever.
  4. Do a Genealogy DNA test | I’ve always wanted to know where my ancestors were from. Now… I know they’re from Africa, but where exactly?! Hopefully, I can do this in 2017 πŸ™‚
  5. Live Laugh Love | Live without regrets, Laugh a lot, and Love always

30-Day June Challenge

~Live Laugh Love~