Concepción, Chile has many historical landmarks and buildings, such as the Catedral de Concepción, the Mural Universidad de Concepción, and the History of the Arts Gallery. The one historical landmark I will talk about today is the University of Concepción.  The University of Concepción is one of the Chilean traditional universities as well as one of the oldest and most prestigious. It was established on May 14, 1919, becoming the first regional university in Chile. It was founded by its first president of the university, Enrique Molina Garmendia. The University itself contains three campuses: the main campus is in Concepción and the other two are in Chillán and Los Ángeles, Chile. (Keep in mind that I’m not talking about Los Angeles, California). The campus was built by the Chilean architect Emilio Duhart Harosteguy.

The main campus of the University of Concepción is the considered the most beautiful recreational area for the community. The area contains different academic and administrative units and park areas known as the University Neighborhood. According to its college website, “With almost 250, 000 sq. meters in buildings and facilities, the University is shown to the world as a knowledge, culture, science, investigation and technology center of creation.” (I found this quote on the link listed above.) The art gallery of Casa del Arte is one of the highlights of the campus. It was created by Mexican artist Jorge Gonzalez Camarena and it has a collection of 1,731 art works. The University contains balconies in which visitors currently aren’t allowed to go up to because they are trying to protect the structure of the architectural work. The main campus is considered a city icon as well as a standing union point of the Biobio Region and the rest of the country of Chile.