
Hello All! Today is about my proudest moment.

I’ll keep with the current event and say that getting through my first year of teaching high school was my proudest moment. It’s no secret that your first year of teaching in a school system is similar to being thrown into a den full of lions. There is no amount of education will help you through this! During my first-year of teaching, I have encountered students with behavior problems, administration who monitors your every move, always having the notion that you’re doing something wrong and you’ll never get it right, bad reviews on your observation… I mean the list is interesting!

There have been several talks with God on my way home and loads of nights where I only had 5 hours of sleep only because I want to prepare myself for the next day and I can’t stop myself from thinking about tomorrow. I even had days where I felt like I am a lousy teacher (simply because my observations with administration were terrible). Unfortunately, I’ve allowed those thoughts to linger in my mind for a while.

It wasn’t until I remembered several comments from my students throughout the year that I had hope in myself again. They told me that I’m doing fine and I’m the best math teacher they’ve had in a long time. One of my students even told me that “kids have to want to learn and there are some students in my class who didn’t want to learn.” That told me a lot and it spoke volumes! Their compliments and suggestions made me feel like my efforts are being noticed by the ones who need them the most: the students!!

If it wasn’t for God, my mentor, and a few good teachers that I’ve gotten close to, I’m not sure how I would have survived my first year. Therefore, surviving my first year of teaching will be my proudest moment.

As I approach my second year of teaching, I hope to follow the advice of what is in the picture above very often.

30-Day June Challenge

~Live Laugh Love~