Today’s a wonderful day here in my city! The sun is out and it wasn’t too hot before I took a nap on this fine Sunday afternoon.

Okay, okay… I already know what you’re thinking…

“Uh, where was your blog from yesterday???” The whole day was so busy with preparations that I forgot to submit one…

My Favorite Quote

My favorite quote? I actually have two! They are both something that I always say either out loud or in my head.

“If you don’t do it now, then it won’t be done later.”
I made this one up a while ago, and I find it still true in my life. I think we all have a natural tendency to procrastinate on tasks that need to be done (e.g., cleaning, homework, reading, etc.). However, if I don’t actually work on the task while it’s fresh in my mind, then doing it later may not come to past. Therefore, I try to work on the task(s) while they’re fresh in my mind, even though I do not want to.

“Keep God First!”
I am a Christian and I grew up in a Baptist church. My grandma use to write this saying on every one of my cards growing up. At some point I knew what the card was going to say (in very pretty handwriting) long before opening it. As much as I saw that state on my birthday and Christmas cards, I continue to remember it and apply it to my life today. Whenever I kept God first in my life, then everything else just fell into place. I wasn’t born with money and never grew up with it either; but I never had to worry about money then or now. I don’t have to worry about obstacles that come my way. God’s got it and I’m on the winning team!

My Dream Job

My dream job is to become a professor at a college (whether junior college or 4-year institution). I want to help impact a life and help others, so I think being a professor would be pretty cool 🙂

30-Day June Challenge

~Live Laugh Love~