It’s Day 2 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge! This day entails 20 Facts About Me… so here goes:

  1. I have two degrees: one is a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics and the other is a Masters of Education in Adolescent to Young Adult (AYA) Education: Integrated Mathematics. Yea, that’s a mouth-full to say to people! Whenever people ask about my master’s degree, I simply say “My degree was in education… I want to be a math teacher” *lol*
  2. I plan to be a professor someday 🙂
  3. If there’s one thing I would do instead of being a teacher, then it would be either a musician or a writer.
  4. I’ve learned 4 instruments in my whole life of living: piano, clarinet, trumpet, and guitar. I haven’t been consistent in practicing any of those things *lol* I do plan to practice and master them all.
  5. I love to crochet! I’ve been doing it since I was ten or eleven years old
  6. I LOVE Music!
  7. I can sing… not as great as Beyonce or Jennifer Hudson though!
  8. I have this habit of singing a song during a conversation that relates to what my friends/family and I are talking about.
  9. I cannot dance, but I can keep a beat. Does that count?
  10. I love to read books!
  11. I prefer to read fiction books over non-fiction in a heartbeat.
  12.  I tend to go shopping based on necessity rather than luxury, such as needing professional work clothes or I have to wear a certain color for church on Sunday and I don’t have it in my closet. *shrugs*
  13. I am a picky shopper. If I do find something that I like in the mall/store, I have to buy it without thinking. Otherwise, I’ll think about it for a while and put it back because I don’t really need it. I think it’s funny when my mom says that she’s proud of me for going to the mall and actually coming out with a few bags in my hand of things that I wanted *lol*
  14. I don’t watch television that much, even if I’m on a summer break
  15. I binge-watch YouTube videos or watch something on Netflix
  16. I think I’m an introvert who loves her space, yet enjoys having a good time with people.
  17. I’m observant and pay attention to details. I believe that I’m a neat-freak who’s borderline OCD (self-diagnosed of course)
  18. I’ve always wanted to travel!
  19. I have two siblings: one brother and one sister
  20. I am the oldest of my siblings

Whew, that was a lot to think about! *lol*

If you are interested in the 30-Day Challenge, here it is below 🙂

30-Day June Challenge

Well, that’s it!
Take care 🙂
~Live Laugh Love~