It’s been two months since I’ve blogged about anything. My hiatus was due to a few reasons, one of which was my career of teaching students. Well school is out now and I get to rest! Let’s say I already knew that my first year of teaching would be similar to WWII. I’ve learned that the first year of teaching will be a roller coaster of events and unexpected things will occur. However, it’s always rewarding when your students look at you and say “You are one of the best math teachers I’ve had in a while!” It let’s me know that I didn’t completely screw up their education *lol* Kidding!

Anywho… summer is here!! (Well technically it’s still Spring *shrugs*)

My summer is off to a great start so far because I get to leave my city!!!  I’m so excited! I’ve always wanted to travel and this has been a traveling year so far (No Pun Intended). I think it’s also a great start to planning more trips in the future.

I just came back from a trip to Atlanta to visit my uncle and it was A LOT of fun… chill yet fun.  The highlight of my trip was going to see the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. I learned so much about information that I didn’t know. I highly recommend that you go. Additionally, I also went to a Caribbean Carnival which was crazy fun! We weren’t able to do a whole lot since we only went for the weekend. Therefore, I have to make plans to go back since I didn’t see any celebrities *lol* From Ohio to Georgia it supposedly takes 8 hours at the most. Well it ended up being a lot longer due to traffic. Traffic was atrocious! Nevertheless, Atlanta was good to me for the time that I was there.

My next trip will be Las Vegas for the very first time, so I’m really excited about that one. I’m not a gambler, so this trip won’t consist of that *lol* I’ll be sure to blog about it once I get home… might. I might blog about it… because “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” 😉

For the time being I plan to do a June Blog Challenge! I have done one in the past and haven’t successfully complete it *lol*
I plan to be more consistent in blogging, so I hope this will work. I think it will be fun 😉

Here’s what it looks like…

30-Day June Challenge

Day 1 is about my blog’s name… DeeRaneaC

WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Good Question!

Dee is my family nickname.

Ranea is my middle name.

C stands for my last name.

With this blog I plan to write about anything that comes to my mind or has been in my heart for a while. I love to write and clear my head when I feel stress from work or just life in general.

I look forward to doing this challenge! Yes, it’s throughout the WHOLE month of June 🙂

Take Care! Enjoy the summer! 
~Live Laugh Love~