I never had the typical Spring Break.

Ya know… things like went to “Spring Break” cities, such as Florida. I was always at home catching up on sleep. After a long winter of school teaching, this spring break was no different. Yea, I know. Shocking (I mean that in the most sarcastic way possible). Here’s what I did.

Day 1 (Sunday) – I went to church, took nap (which is rare) and watched tv.

Day 2 (Monday) – I did laundry and some Spring cleaning. Then I got out of the house and got something to eat.

Day 3 (Tuesday) – Eh. Nothing really, just crocheted and took a morning nap!

Day 4 (Wednesday) – I did more laziness and went to Bible study.

Day 5 (Thursday) – I tutored, did more laziness

Day 6 (Friday) – I took a day trip to Indianapolis with my mom. Which was nice.

Day 7 (Saturday) – Did some work (Ugh, which was a struggle) and watched Charmed reruns on Netflix.

Oh yea, my Spring Break was a real “hoot.” Some may think this was a really boring. However, I thought about this and realize that I wouldn’t have it any other way. The thought of going somewhere for a short period of time just to come back to normal seems sad to me. If I want to go out of town, I don’t want to return to work. It might sound crazy to many people, but I’m serious.

One day, I will travel without the woes of coming back to work… even if it’s something I love to do. In this case, it would be best that I do all of my traveling in the summer time. I wouldn’t have to worry about coming back to work… yet 🙂


Did I like my Spring Break? Yea, it was alright.

~Live Laugh Love~