I have read (and finished) 5 books so far this year, one of which is my first non-fiction audio book.


Pippa DaCosta
Science Fiction
Warning: If this book was a movie, I would say this is not suitable for kids under the age of 18.

This book entails an ex-con-turned-captain, named Caleb Shepperd, who lives a prosperous life on the wrong side of the law. He soon learns that he cannot hide from his past and wrong doing. The book begins with Shepperd holding illegal cargo around on his ship. Additionally, a “synthetic” human being, named One Thousand and One, stows away on his ship and was ordered to kill him. That’s when the adventure begins.

What can I say about the book? I loved it! From beginning to end, it was one of those books I wouldn’t put down. That’s how I feel about any good fiction book. However, I haven’t paid any attention to science fiction novels until recently. (I know, I know… shame on me!)

I think Pippa DaCosta did an amazing job portraying each character. The book stayed true to its name – Lots of betrayal! No one was safe. I wish I would have know what happened to two of the characters (I won’t say who it is). I thought they were mysteriously irrelevant. Like, they weren’t important anymore and I thought they played an important role. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. I will warn you that the book will end with a cliff hanger because it’s the first installment of a series (which I didn’t know about). Since it’s a series I do plan on reading the 2nd book, bought and ready to go.

IF you wanted to look at her Website, here it is right… here

Grade: 4.5 Stars!

Trevor Noah


This book entails the life of comedian Trevor Noah and how he was born and raised in South Africa. It has very detailed description from when he was born all the way up to now.

I have listened to audio books before. One was on a cassette tape from a fast-food restaurant (Chic-fil-A maybe?) and then I have a CD from years ago. That should tell you the last time I listened to stories. Therefore, I’ll say that this was my first adult, non-fiction audio book.

I listened to it on my way to and from work (since I have a long commute). This book proved to me once again that Non-Fiction books don’t have to be boring… ha! I was funny, informational, and addicting. I didn’t want to stop listening to it because I wanted to know what happened next. Noah did an amazing job reading the book, and I was able to imagine all of the scenes mentioned in the book.

Surprisingly, I was able to catch a few nuggets from this book:

  • One of the things he mentioned in his book was that Americans are born in the  ghetto they look for ways to leave (which I kind of agree with). In the town he was born in, on the other hand, they can’t see themselves leaving; so they want to transform it. Even though I believe in going beyond your “box” of comfort, I don’t see anything wrong with finding ways to positively transform your neighborhood to make it better.
  • Every race of people have a “Hitler” that they despise and hate. Therefore, we can’t always relate to the struggle of what each race is going through.
  • Black History taught in South Africa in school is just as bad as it is in America – Not a lot being taught. (Or at least when Noah was growing up. I’m not sure how it is now). It was argued that teachers could possibly be afraid to teach it. Hmmm…

My only con was that the book went back and forth sometimes (from one age to another, and back again) in terms of the chapters, which made me a bit confused. Nevertheless, this was one the few non-fiction books that had my attention from beginning to end… and I do mean very few! I wouldn’t mind reading it again.

Grade: 5 stars!

Check out his website right… … … here!

Well, take care!
~Live Laugh Love~