I would recommend this to anybody that ask me. It’s not just a way to set goals, rather a way to explore things that define “Live Laugh Love”

I’ve learn that life is way too short for me to just do the same ‘ole thing every day. I’ve gotta make life a learning experience as well as a fun one.

I was inspired by a blog two years ago to do this for myself and I’m trying it again. If you saw my previous post from yesterday (which was last year… sorry… I couldn’t resist πŸ˜†), I wasn’t able to complete all of my task on the list… and that’s okay! They made the list for this year. Here’s mine for this year. I wanted to decorate it a little bit 😊 [Based on the picture, you’ll be able to see most of it.]

Go for it! Try it! I’m not limited to this list by the way…

Alright, that’s all. Take care. Happy New Year!

~Live Laugh Love~