Well, it’s the last day of the year! Geez, another year in the books of life. I am SO excited that I’m able to start fresh and new… which means a new background for my blog site!

I have to topic I would like to talk about in this blog post: (1) My 336-Day blanket and (2) My 25 Things to Do the Year I Turn 25 challenge

(1) 366-Day Blanket

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The year-long journey of creating this blanket showed a true testament of my consistency. It helped me to grow in an area of my life, in which I do exactly what I say I’m going to do. It wasn’t always easy though! There were times where I got lazy and used the same color for each square. There were days that I didn’t feel like doing it, so I didn’t crocheting every day. However, I was determined to finish this blanket and I LOVE how it turned out! I especially love the colors! There some squares that I made that represented how I felt that day/week. I enjoyed creating this blanket and I’m proud of myself *begins to pat self on the back*

You’re probably asking me right now, “Would you do this again?” Good question. Hmmm… ask me in like 2 – 5 years *lol*

(2) 25 Things to Do the Year I Turn 25 challenge

My list contained the following:

  1. Start my career
  2. Grow in my business
  3. Do yoga and meditate
  4. Hit a fitness goal & workout more
  5. Read at least 25 books
  6. Go to bed before midnight and become a morning person
  7. Step out of my comfort zone and try something I would never consider
  8. Volunteer
  9. Grow in my faith with God
  10. Make a 366-Day blanket
  11. Be more consistent 
  12. Go to a concert
  13. Practice guitar & learn 25 songs
  14. Improve my makeup skills
  15. Teach someone how to crochet
  16. Write another short story
  17. Go on a vacation
  18. Plan something with a friend
  19. Treat myself to a fancy dinner 
  20. Treat my mom & dad to food
  21. Go on a blind date 
  22. Go to a play
  23. Spend the day/night with a friend in Columbus, OH
  24. Gain a social life
  25. Blog MORE!

I was able to complete 21/25 of the list. Not bad for my first time! Will I do this again? Yep! My new list is ready to go 🙂 

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I look forward to the coming year! What are you doing for this year? I’d love to know! Set a goal, set a lot. It doesn’t take long. Stick to the goal. Don’t make one and then forget you made one. Write it down and post it somewhere so you can see it. 

See you next year 😉
Be safe!

~Live Laugh Love~