Life happens. It can either smack you in the face or ask for a meeting. We all have different ways of handling situations that can create stress, and some ways are more successful than others. I don’t handle stress well, so I’m always finding time and ways to relax. Here are my 10 ways to relax.

  1. Pamper Yourself | Take some “me time”. Doing something for yourself at least once a week can impact your life in minor way that will make a huge difference in your mental outlook on life. I didn’t realize how amazing baths can be until a few months ago. Some people may feel some type of way about baths (which shall remain unknown), but just take a quick shower and you should be fine.  Try using a bath bomb. Give yourself a facial, paint your nails (and/or toenails), or do nothing when you get home from work. Treat Yourself and let someone else do it for you even.
  2. Treat Yourself | Go to the movies. I love going to the movies by myself sometimes. Drink coffee (for my coffee-lovers) or hot tea while sitting at a cafe or a place like Panera Bread. Go shopping… only if you can afford it. It’s okay to splurge sometimes with no regrets. Take the day off for a mental break. We all need one sometimes. Go on a vacation. Those are always fun!
  3. Take a nap | Yes, Yes, I know it’s hard! If you’re like me, I’m a very busy person and naps are a foreign language at times. However, I try to do it anyway. Try to take a nap at least once a month. Naps help your mood 🙂
  4. Read a Good Book | As you’ve seen some of my blog posts, I love to read. It allows me to think of something other than work, and I love allowing my imagination to wonder for a bit.
  5. Meditate | I’ll be honest, I haven’t been as faithful to meditation than I would like to be. However, I enjoyed meditating when I did. IF you wanna know more, read my post about my experience entitled “10-Day Meditation“.
  6. Listen to Music | As you’ve seen some of my posts, I love music as well. I takes me to a different place. What I love to do is turn of the television, put my earbuds in, lay on my bed, and listen. It’s a mindless activity that I enjoy doing. It clears my head.
  7. Find a Hobby | Pick up an old hobby if you lost sight on it. One thing I enjoyed was practicing my guitar; but I didn’t have a chance to practice it as much this year. I do plan to practice more, especially during break.
  8. Drink Hot Tea | Yea, I know I mentioned it earlier… but I’m a tea-lover. My intent is not to convert you… but to strongly suggest that you try finding a tea that works for you. Hmmm… I sense another blog post about tea *begins to think*
  9. Write | I’ve learned that writing how I feel helps me to cope and/or let whatever is bother me go. A while ago, someone gave me a suggestion of writing all that I feel out (or type it). Let it all air out on that piece of paper… or that Word document. When I’m finished I can either throw it away (or delete it) or keep it. Sometimes I keep it to see my mental growth over time and sometimes I throw it away (or delete it) because I wanna let it go.
  10. Find a Mindless Activity | I love to watch YouTube or get on Social Media sometimes. As I’ve said before, listening to music and taking naps are some examples.

What are your ways to relax? I’d love to know 😉

Enjoy your week and take care!
~ Live Laugh Love ~