I haven’t blogged in a while. Life hits you in the face sometimes. Since I am on break until Monday *deep sigh* blogging sounds like a great idea.

I finished reading two books a few weeks ago and I’m currently working on three more (Yea, I know). Here they are: my book reviews.

“No One to Trust” – Lynette Eason
Christian Fiction, Mystery and Suspense
Published 1/7/ 2014

The story undertakes the journey of a married couple by the name of Kyle and Summer Abernathy. Their newlywed lives take a turn for the worse when they have to run for their lives to prevent themselves from getting killed by a mafia. Along the way, Summer discovers many things about her husband that she never knew.

Before reading the book, I initially thought that this will be a cheesy, drama-filled novel with Christian cliches. However, I was far from the truth. The book is one of those books that take you on a journey of many emotions. Throughout the entire book I felt happy, mad, annoyed, and upset. I laughed and even read a few pages once more. I will say that after reading the first few pages I would have liked some small, mild scenario leading up to the major events. I was not prepared for the emotional roller coaster of events throughout the novel! Nevertheless, the book was great.

Even though it’s a fiction novel, (call me crazy… but) I can see these events happening in real life. Eason did a great job creating a scenario of what will happen if a child of God finds him/her/themselves in a very dangerous situation. It also showed a realistic struggle of a marriage when one is unfaithful or lying. Now, I don’t see a scenarios life coming up in an everyday struggle of marriage; however, the thoughts of Summer and Kyle seemed realistic to me. (I’m not married btw.) Moreover, an ending of a book is crucial to me. I don’t like cliff hangers that much; so I was hoping this book wasn’t a cliff-hanger. I’m so glad it wasn’t and I think the book ended well.

According to my sources, Eason has a Hidden Identity series and this was book #1. Sometimes, I think of book series like Pringles – You can’t eat just one! With that being said, I look forward to reading the entire series.

I do recommend this book for all to read. It doesn’t have to be just a Christian “thing”. Anyone can read it and feel inspired.

Grade: 5 Stars!