โ€‹Well, I survived my first month of school! I’m okay …so far lol


I have one other thing that I’ve always wanted to do… meditate. No, I’m not talking about the kind in which people will sit with their legs folded on the floor with stones and chimes with their hands facing upward on their lap (even though it works for some people). I’m talking about a different form, the meditation that only requires my crochet-covered earbuds and a quiet place to be comfortable.

I like to find ways to keep myself calm and slow my fast-paced mind down. Out of all the blogs I follow, one talked about how to be a morning person. (FYI, sometimes I am, sometimes I’m not.) Intrigued in the topic, I decided to read about what the blogger had to say.

One of the suggestions mentioned was meditating in the morning and an app called “Headspace” came to mind. I thought it would be interesting to check out… so I did. Well… I’ve been wanting to get into meditation for a while now, so I was kind of excited to try it out. I haven’t set my life up to meditate in the morning all the time yet, so I am trying it before I go to bed too. 

On the app it has different levels that can be done each day. For beginners, the app has placed 10 beginner levels to complete and it only takes 10 minutes a day. So for ten days I decided to take note of my reaction after meditating. Here goes…

Day 1 | I don’t know if I was tired or what, but I fell right to sleep after my 10 minutes of meditation. I thought it was calming and I liked it. I’m not gonna lie… I giggled a few times due to the awkward silence. 

Day 2 | My mind wondered off many times during this session and I could always catch it. Nevertheless, I felt more calm than I did before beginning the session.

Day 3 | Usually in the morning, I wake up and lay on my bed catching up on my social media intake. Instead I cut roughly 2/3 of that time and decided to work on Day 3 of meditation. I liked it. I do see a difference between meditating at night and in the morning. When I’m just now waking up and meditating, I do feel alert and my focus is high. The session was about allowing your thoughts and feelings to come and go, not trying to “get in the car” (per se) with your thoughts and feelings… or cause a traffic jam. I’ll see how I feel for the rest of the work day.

Day 4 | Early-Morning Meditation: Let’s just say that my mind was distracted… very distracted. I woke up to find an email that I’ve been waiting on for a while now. I was still thinking about the email and trying to control my thoughts and make them focus. I don’t think it was a good idea. Nevertheless, I feel ready to begin my day.

Day 5 | Late-Night Meditation: I like meditating so far. It’s peaceful and I look forward to it daily. I really wanna remain consistent and continue to meditate. It’s a peaceful practice.
Day 6 | Early Morning Meditation: This is so weird. I had some tension in my neck for sleeping weird. After the session, the tension was somewhat gone! According to Headspace, it has “lifted” …very interesting. I still have a slight headache, but I can manage that. I still feel good.

Day 7 | Late-Night Meditation: I liked this session. It gave a video where there was an analogy of a clear, blue sky. Sometimes there will be clouds and possibly even a storm …or worst – a natural disaster. It’s important to always remember that the clear, blue sky will always be there no matter what comes. It’s covered by the clouds at the moment. Simply allow the clouds/storm to come and go. It’s the same thing with the mind ๐Ÿ™‚ I really look forward to meditating and I think that I’m improving. I still get distracted, but it’s not so bad.

Day 8 | Early-Morning Meditation: This session was about being in-tuned with how your body is feeling. I learned to observe my mind with a little bit of headspace… asking questions like, “How do I feel?” “What are my emotions?” “What does my mind tell me about how I’m feeling?” Well, I feel like my body was exhausted. My breaths were short in hopes that I do not fall back to sleep. I felt a little out of wack, but still a good session nonetheless. I wanted to do it again at night (which I did) and I still felt the same way. The good thing is that there is no right or wrong answer being looked for in this session.
Day 9 | Early-Morning Meditation: The session focused on accepting the thoughts that come into your mind. I helps us to be less critical of ourselves and others. I was also reminded that resisting thoughts… or stopping yourself from thinking… doesn’t help either. It results in tension that you don’t want.  Letting thoughts come and go in your mind can be difficult. The first thing that I do in the morning is think about what I need to do for the day. My mind never really gets a break… so it takes practice.

Day 10 | Early-Morning Meditation: It was good. I had a good stretch. I don’t have much to say about this day. I liked it.

And the verdict is… I loved the 10 days of meditation. I felt like I had energy… or I was able to slow my mind down. Do I like early morning or late at night? I’m still trying to figure that out. I am thinking about purchasing a subscription. I do wanna keep this up. Although I like Headspace, I wanna keep my options open as well. Does this sound like another journey? Hmm… the journey to… a peaceful mind ๐Ÿ˜Š

~ Live Laugh Love ~

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