It’s the weekend! What would be a great way to spend your weekend than to go to bed by 10pm, wake up at the time you usually do for work (4:45am), and then wake up again 5 hours later??? No? Just me? Okay…

I haven’t done a blog in two weeks and I know this blog is about a day late… but I was tired *smh*


Here are my 10 Favorite Things to Do! There is no specific order for these. I thought it would be cooler to countdown.

10. Day Dream – Yea… I know it’s weird, but there’s something about being in a different world in my mind that fascinates me. I’m away from hurt, pain, and my emotions sometimes. It can be both good and bad obviously, but I do know when to day dream and when not to.

9. Listen to music – There’s something about music that takes me to a different place. It’s similar to day dreaming, hence, some of my blog posts. I enjoy listening to those artists (or songs) that not many people know about, or certain artist that not many people cling to… which reminds me. (Gotta make my song/album of the week.)

8. Looking at YouTube Videos and Vlogs – Whether it’s hair tutorials, vlogs, makeup tips, crochet patterns, I will watch them! I rarely watch television. More than likely my tv will come on Saturday or Sunday. There’s nothing on that fascinates me anymore. Watching the Olympics has been the most television I’ve watched in a while… only because I love watching the Olympics.

7. Crochet – Obviously! If you didn’t know 😀 I’ve been doing it since I was 10 years old. It calms me 🙂 (Update on my 366-Day Blanket soon)

6. Laughing – I love to laugh. I love to smile. It’s fun… *lol*

5. Sleeping – Since college, sleeping has been my favorite past time. I look forward to bedtime everyday. I don’t mind waking up 🙂

4. Reading – Obviously! You all can tell by my blogs that I am a book nerd! I haven’t read any books lately. I’m still adjusting to my new journey of being a math teacher. I’ve started one right now this week. Hopefully, it won’t take too long to read. It’s non-fiction and I think it’ll be useful for my career.

3. Playing Video Games – whether it’s on my phone or on the computer (e.g., World of Warcraft). I always loved playing video games. This summer was the first time I’ve played World of Warcraft in two years. I went back playing in June and my subscription expired early this month. If you’re familiar with the game, then I’m sure you can figure out how that went. It was a bit funny because I forgot how to do some of the things and there has been two expansions since I’ve played. I don’t have the latest expansion yet; but once I’ve gotten the hang of balancing my career and home life, then I’ll renew my subscription and get the new expansion eventually.

2. Writing – …or blogging. It’s my way of unwinding and clearing my thoughts. I don’t journal my everyday life, but I do like to write stories and poems. So let me tell you about my 4:45-am wake up this morning. I wake up from an interesting dream, right? In college I took a writing class and it was mentioned that some of the greatest writing ideas come from your dreams. I began to think (yes, think) at 4:46am whether or not I should write out this idea. I caved, got my phone out and began typing away! It’s still in the works but I think it’s going to be very interesting. Even though I’ve written poems, I haven’t written a story in years. Therefore, I’m very excited 😀

1. Setting Goals – I feel complete when I set goals for myself. Speaking of which, here’s a quick update on my 25 Things to Do the Year I Turn 25 (reason for the challenge here). So far I’ve physically crossed 9 things on my list. There are 7 more things I can cross off my list, but I’ll wait until the end of the year. I’m not in a hurry, but I do have 4 months left… the rest of my things on my list aren’t crazy stuff so it’ll be easy to accomplish (like skydiving… even though I wanna do it one day).


What are your favorite things to do? Let me know.

Well, that’s it. Take care!

~Live Laugh Love~

2 thoughts on “10 Favorite Things to Do

  1. Good question. I’m not sure which are my favorite things to do since I became a flight attendant . I lost a lot of the things I used to love

    1 Biking on the Oceanfront ( but those days have been long gone because I have to live near my base)

    2 Go to the beach ( I miss it dearly )

    3 Traveling!!!!!

    4 Explore new cities and countries!

    5 Take a lot of pictures!!!

    6 Totally waste time with my iPad

    7 Dance!( Haven’t done in a while due to my job)

    8 Daydream ( because it keeps me sane)

    9 Workout daily

    10 Instagram!

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