​Adulting has its highs and lows. You look forward to doing adult-fun stuff, like going out with friends and getting paid… pay day. Oh yeah! However, in order to get paid you gotta pay out of pocket to do some things. Since you’re an adult you can have moments of excitement to do something fun, but you still have that other moment where you’re snapping back into the responsibilities of being an adult, which isn’t always fun.

Whether we like it or not, it’s something that needs to happen, adulting that is. Let’s face it: we all grow old. We gotta learn to embrace both the fun and the not-so-fun adulting times. Adulting can be rough. When those not-so-fun times come around, think about it this way: it could be worse *shrugs*
I haven’t made an update about my 366-Day Blanket. Here it is 😁

Well, that’s it for now. Take care!
~ Live Laugh Love ~