Every now and then it’s okay to listen to what I would consider a “ratchet” song – something that has a nice beat to it and it has a catchy hook, but when you take a look at the lyrics it’ll have you wondering why you’re even listening to the song in the first place. HOWEVER, there’s nothing like a song that has you feeling good both inside and out after listening to it… that song that’ll have you wanting to put it on repeat until you get tired of it. That’s what I consider that “Feel Good” music. In my case I have to listen to my feel-good music in increments because I don’t want to get tired of it. Here’s my feel-good song of the month. (I say month because a week isn’t enough for this song.)

I LOVE THIS SONG! Not only is the hook catchy, but the lyrics match the intensity of the song. Who doesn’t want to listen to a song that uplifts you? I’ll wait *begins to sip Oolong tea with Kermit*


This week has been a lot of fun for me. The transition from summer laziness to actually doing something every week day has been a hassle, but it’s worth it because I’m learning a lot so far. I can’t wait to see what next week has to offer. Hopefully, it’s just as fun and not boring. WE’LL SEE…

Well, let’s it. Take care!
~Live Laugh Love~

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