I had every intention of getting up, getting dressed, and heading out the door to go somewhere… like yarn shopping… or just walk around the mall (because that does exist). However, I wake up to a shower of rain outside my window and slightly sleepy.

Am I going anywhere now? NOPE! …well maybe. In the meantime, I’ll be starting yet another project while watching a movie or Netflix.

I think it’s okay to get bored sometimes when you begin working on one project and then decide to work on another project. As long as both projects get finished, you’re good. This summer, I would like to try working on projects that I’ve always wanted to try: for example,  a crop top …or a dress. I did finish the crop top and it turned out nicely :-D. I’m currently working on the dress, but that’s the project I bored of at the moment. Making a dress can be time-consuming, but I’m confident that it’ll turn out amazing when I’m finished. Anywho, what should I watch? Eh, I’ll figure it out. The new project is a purse, which I don’t think I have one this color 😀 Teal is a very appealing color to me.


Well, that’s it. Take care!

~Live Laugh Love~