I haven’t done a song of the week in a while, so I thought I’d do one today. I thought about writing an Instagram post about it, but I changed my mind and decided to blog about it instead.

Imagine this: you’re in Panera Bread trying to do homework, studying, write teaching notes, etc. You wanna listen to music, so you put in your headphones (or ear buds) and take action. While in the middle of working on stuff, you find yourself being engulfed into what you’re listening to… taking you through different scenes or what feels like a different dimension in your mind… and then you forget that you went to Panera Bread to do homework, studying, write teaching notes, etc.

Just me? No? Okay.

Now, I’m not usually the one who will listen to nothing but an instrumental track with minimal singing/rapping, but this track is taking me to different places in my mind. Is that weird? No? Okay. What I love about it the most is that it’s not the same thing throughout the entire track! It feels like you’re going through different phases of what the producer is trying to do. I found this one while looking at YouTube videos. This was in the description box and I had to take a listen.

What is your song of the week? Or has it been more than a week? Nothing wrong with that 😉

Well, that’s it. Take care!

~ Live, Laugh, Love ~