Disclaimer: this blog post was not made as a complaint. I just wanna share.

Have you ever felt like something just didn’t go your way? Have you ever felt like now you’re used to it? Well, that’s how I feel about my birthday every year. Things don’t always go my way and a part of me (honestly) doesn’t look forward to it. Call me a brat all you want, but that’s how I feel every year.

I don’t always wanna go out to eat and call it a birthday celebration. I dream a lil bit bigger. I always joke around and say that I wanna go to the beach for my birthday. For example, I’d wanna do something for my birthday and on my birthday, but it won’t happen due to where I live and where my birthday is located on the calendar. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t wanna do anything and treat it like it’s another day. It’s gotten to the point where people are gonna have to plan it (not me) if people want me do to something for my birthday. That’s how my 25th birthday turned out this year *shrugs* πŸ™‚

I feel like my birthday is jinxed and more than likely this mindset came around when I was in high school. There was always a blizzard growing up, someone broke into my parents’ house during my 16th birthday party, and I was usually sick to the point where I wouldn’t enjoy my party. My senior year was the most memorable to me because my friends did something special for me during lunch time and I loved it.

On the plus side, I do end up doing something for my birthday, and I’m always greatful! I am surrounded by very few people who does care.

So why am I saying this? Because I know I’m not the only one who feels this way *begins to sip tea*

I saw this blog post about “25 Things to do Before I Turn 25”. I got the idea from one of my best friends and I wanted to make an attempt. Seeing that my birthday is in February, I didn’t think that was enough time. So in January I wrote a list of 25 Things I wanted to do the YEAR I Turn 25. In other words, I want to do 25 memorable things this year πŸ™‚ Hopefully, I can get through the whole list.

We’ll see how this goes. So far I’ve gotten through 3 things on my list since January. I could check off more, but I’ll wait until the end of the year πŸ˜‰

Does this mean that I think my birthday is no longer jinxed? No, I still think it’s jinxed lol

Well that’s it. Take care!
~ Live Laugh Love ~

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